We Promise …
Educational EquityCradle to Career CollaborationData-Informed Decision MakingSystemic TransformationOpportunity & Outcomes
Educational EquityCradle to Career Data-Informed Systemic Transformation Opportunity & Outcomes
Working Together for
Educational Equity
We envision a future in which every child in Marin can reach their full educational potential to become the outstanding leaders, caring neighbors, and successful professionals they want to be. To get there, we have made a commitment to redesign our educational ecosystem so that race, ethnicity and poverty no longer determine opportunity or outcome.
Unfortunately, 25,000 young people from infants to college graduates, more than 45% of all youth in Marin, are impacted by a system that was not designed with equity in mind. Because of this, about 60% of them are not yet meeting key Milestone outcomes.
This is unacceptable and is why over 100 youth and family leaders, community organizations, funders, and public agencies - have come together as an integrated, Cradle-to-Career network to advance educational equity across Marin.
Together, we are working to improve outcomes for all students while accelerating success for those most impacted by historical biases and structural racism.
To achieve this, Partners are breaking down silos, building relationships, transforming systems, and improving lives by …
- Aligning around a common vision of an integrated Cradle-to-Career system,
- Using shared data to hold each other accountable, and to learn and lead with integrity,
- Taking courageous, collaborative antiracist action, and
- Jointly advocating for bold shifts in policies, practices, resources and power structures.
By combining Backbone support in team facilitation, shared data, and collaborative communications with the lived experience and professional expertise of individual and institutional Partners, together we are accomplishing what none can do alone. Through this unparalleled, network-of-networks approach, in which local teams are linked together within a larger countywide effort, a unique and exciting collective strategy has emerged with unprecedented potential to create a legacy of systemic transformation and enduring community impact.
Join with your neighbors and colleagues to bring the promise of Cradle-to-Career educational equity alive in Marin so that every child has every opportunity to succeed.
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Cradle To Career Milestones
Marin Promise Partners have come together to align their individual programmatic efforts into a seamless system of support for all students Cradle-to-Career. To do so, they have agreed upon a shared set of 6 key milestone outcomes. While each partner plays a unique role in achieving these milestones, together, with the support of Backbone Staff, Partners are holding each other collectively accountable to equitable results for all kids at every stage along their educational journey.
What does success look like? Hover over any of the Milestones below to learn more

Kindergarten Readiness
Early Childhood Education
will prepare children 0-5yrs to enter school ready to succeed, as measured by Kindergarten cohorts achieving “Ready To Go” on the Kindergarten Student Entrance Profile (i.e. 47 on the KSEP).

Early Grade Literacy
Early Grade Education
will enable K-3rd graders to master the critical literacy skills necessary for continued academic success, as measured by schools meeting or exceeding the 3rd grade Common Core standard.

Middle Grade Math
Elementary Education
will enable students to master the critical math concepts necessary for college and career readiness, as measured by schools meeting or exceeding the 8th grade Common Core standard.

College & Career Readiness
High School Education
will prepare students to enter and succeed in college and career programs as measured by school performance on the CA School Dashboard UC/CSU eligibility (i.e. C- or better in all “a-g” classes).

College & Career Program Enrollment
High School Education
will ensure that students can continue their learning journey after they graduate, as measured by college or career program enrollment rates in National Student Clearinghouse.

College & Career Program Completion
Postsecondary Education
will support students to complete their course of study ready for a bright and successful future, as measured by 6 year completion rates in the National Student Clearinghouse.

Kindergarten Readiness
Start school ready to learn.

Early Grade Literacy
Master critical literacy skills.

Middle Grade Math
Master critical math skills.

College & Career Program Readiness
Prepared to enter a college or career program after High School graduation.

College & Career Program Enrollment
Enrolled in a college or career program after High School graduation.

College & Career Program Completion
Complete a college or career program within 6 years.

Marin Promise Partnership is a countywide, cross-sector, Cradle to Career, network of over 100 Partners – youth and family leaders, community organizations, funders, and public agencies …

Collaborative action networks combine Partners’ professional and lived expertise with Backbone staff support to transform intention into impact in one or more Milestones outcomes …

Partners are sharing data (numbers and narratives) to coordinate services, set collective goals, hold each other accountable to results, and to learn and lead with integrity …

A Place-Based Vision for Marin
Where a family lives shouldn’t dictate their access to education, health, or economic opportunity—but in Marin County, it often does. Some places are thriving while

A Visit to West Marin: Reflections on the Strength and Struggles of a Rural Community
One of my main goals as I step into the role of CEO is to visit different parts of our county and listen to the

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We Envision a Bright Future for All of Marin's Children...
As a Partnership, we promise that by 2028 we will have turned the curve toward equity from cradle to career. Only by working together, can we accelerate success for those students most impacted by historical biases and structural racism and improve outcomes for all students thereby ensuring that every child in Marin reaches their full educational potential regardless of race, ethnicity, zip code or financial circumstance.

Their Future
This persistent inequity is unacceptable.
Marin, a county of 260,000 people with incredible natural beauty and resources, is ranked one of the wealthiest, healthiest, best educated counties in California. Yet, systemic inequities in schools and communities continue to limit what’s possible for too many children of color and youth living in poverty; resulting in some of the greatest disparities in the state.
Our Promise
Full Educational Potential
Together Partners are working to achieve excellence for all students while accelerating equity for those most impacted by historical biases and structural racism. When learning happens in places where all students thrive, become engaged life-long learners, and experience a deep sense of belonging, the racial and economic predictability of outcomes will be eliminated.

Progress Reports
The Partnership’s annual progress report and online interactive data tools, help Partners continuously improve collaborative strategies and assess collective impact.
"Together we can accomplish what none of us can do alone – sustainable, equitable, systems change – now and for future generations."
Join the Partnership’s growing network of over 100 school administrators, nonprofit directors, youth and family leaders, government officials, educators, CEOs and funders.