Contributing Indicators
What is the Difference Between Milestone, Contributing Indicator, and Performance Metrics?
The Partnership uses multiple levels of metrics to assess progress toward achieving educational equity. This framework is an important part of our unique approach to using a Results Based Accountability process with equity at the center.
Milestone level metrics are a way of viewing long-term systems changes that make a difference in the lives of students and their families. These metrics are updated on an annual basis and include things like CAASPP scores.
Contributing Indicator metrics are mid-level outcomes that contribute to moving the needle on the Milestones. They are often measured in shorter timeframes (such as quarterly grading periods or monthly financial aid form completion rates) and tend to be focused on specific cohorts or student populations.
Performance metrics focus on short-cycle, often student-level, measure of a specific behavior such as the number of students that attended an event or completed a survey.