
Measure What Matters

We believe results count. We’re here to make a difference, change systems, and improve lives. How will we know if what we’re doing is working? We use data, numbers and narratives, to point us in the right direction. It helps us tell stories, hold each other accountable to our collective vision, align our actions, and learn and lead with integrity.  And, it ensures that equity remains at the center of all we do.

Know Your Number - County Wide
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Progress Reports

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Trendlines Over Time

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Interactive Dashboards

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TK-12 Enrollment

I’d like to see enrollment trends.

Progress Reports

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I’d like to look at outcomes over time.

Interactive Dashboard

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TK-12 Enrollment

I’d like to see enrollment trends.

Results at the center

We use data to ...


We believe in disaggregating data by race/ethnicity because you can’t fix what you don’t see. Equity gaps often go unnoticed when only aggregate data is considered.


Be believe data includes both narratives and numbers because change happens at the intersection of empathy and rigor. We connect student and family stories with graphs and metrics to tell the whole story about our collective impact.


We believe in data as a flashlight not a hammer. Noticing bright spots of success and illuminating dark corners of inequity are both important elements of our continuous collaborative improvement process.

SHARE what we know

We believe in transparent, shared data because we care about ALL kids, not just the ones in our own neighborhoods or enrolled in our individual programs.

Hold each other ACCOUNTABLE

We believe peer-to-peer accountability is the key to achieving collective results. While we each play different roles, as a Partnership, we are committed to holding each other accountable so that together we can achieve what none can do alone. 

Integrate MULTIPLE measures

We believe that no one metric tells the whole story. Sustainable, transformational change requires an ability to see the world from multiple perspectives – from student level needs to long-term systemic shifts.


We believe in disaggregating data by race/ethnicity because you can’t fix what you don’t see. Equity gaps often go unnoticed when only aggregate data is considered.


Be believe data includes both narratives and numbers because change happens at the intersection of empathy and rigor. We connect student and family stories with graphs and metrics to tell the whole story about our collective impact.


We believe in data as a flashlight not a hammer. Noticing bright spots of success and illuminating dark corners of inequity are both important elements of our continuous collaborative improvement process.

SHARE what we know

We believe in transparent, shared data because we care about ALL kids, not just the ones in our own neighborhoods or enrolled in our individual programs.

Hold each other ACCOUNTABLE

We believe peer-to-peer accountability is the key to achieving collective results. While we each play different roles, as a Partnership, we are committed to holding each other accountable so that together we can achieve what none can do alone. 

Integrate MULTIPLE measures

We believe that no one metric tells the whole story. Sustainable, transformational change requires an ability to see the world from multiple perspectives – from student level needs to long-term systemic shifts.

How does our data compare to other data dashboards?

There are two kinds of data – primary sources and data dashboards or portals. While some of our data comes from the same primary sources used by other dashboards, Partnership data is unique because it is …

We pull in public data from the state as soon as it’s available. We also have access to unique, student-level, data sets through Partner data sharing agreements. Many other data sources or research reports rely on data that is often several years old. This might be good for retrospective research, but it’s not what teams need to take urgent action for today’s students.

We filter big data sets to keep our focus on Marin County, down to the individual school level. Many other data sources or research reports only show state-wide or county-wide information.

We combine data from across all districts and from many programmatic partners to provide a unique focus on students outcomes by demographic and/or geographic characteristics, not just by program enrollment or district boundaries.

We provide live, interactive, disaggregated data that each user can sort, filter and combine in different ways to find just the right information they are looking for.

Our data sources

The CAASPP includes the Smarter Balanced assessment system for English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics, the California Science Test (CAST), the California Alternate Assessments (CAAs) for ELA, mathematics, and science, and the optional California Spanish Assessment (CSA).

The National Student Clearinghouse tracks and reports on postsecondary program enrollment, persistence and completion.

We used the same CDE data sets that drive the California School Dashboard.

CSAC collects and publishes data on Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), Cal Grants, and the California Dream Act Application (CADAA) submissions and awards.

The ELPAC is the required state test for English language proficiency (ELP) that must be given to students whose primary language is a language other than English. State and federal law require that local educational agencies administer a state test of ELP to eligible students in kindergarten through grade twelve. The California Department of Education (CDE) transitioned from the California English Language Development Test (CELDT) to the ELPAC as the state ELP assessment in 2018. The ELPAC is aligned with the 2012 California English Language Development Standards. It consists of two separate ELP assessments: one for the initial identification of students as English learners (ELs), and a second for the annual summative assessment to measure a student’s progress in learning English and to identify the student's level of ELP.

Related Data Dashboards, Portals, & Resources

Dashboards & Portals pull in primary data from other sources, repackage/curate it (aggregate, disaggregate, combine, cross-reference, etc.). and then display the data in reports and presentations or on interactive web-based tools. Click on any of the resources below to learn more about these resources. Click HERE if you know of another data dashboard you’d like to have shared with Partners.