Educator Diversity Initiative

Recognizing the important role educators of color play in contributing to better student outcomes, this initiative aims to increase the diversity of the teacher workforce to better reflect the student population in Marin County.

About the Equity Gap

Students of color are the majority of the population in Marin County’s TK-12 public schools, but…

9 times out of 10, when these students look up from their desks, they do not see a teacher who reflects their identity.

Strategies for Change

Grow your own pathways:

Improve training and support infrastructure for teachers of color through CTE pathways, teacher residencies and credentialing and degree completion guidance.

recruit & hire diversity:

Improve and increase antiracist recruitment and hiring policies and practices.

retain quality educators:

Improve organizational culture, increase access to affordable housing and affinity spaces, and improve HR policies.

Educator Spotlight


Explore the Data

Here you will find data on the gap between students and educators of color by district/school. Initial information shown is for credentialed teacher but you can also select additional educator categories to view that information. Hover over each line to view more information about that data point (numbers and percentages).


Note that we are waiting on the California Department of Education to release updated educator demographic data (latest data: 2018-2019)

Related Resources & Stories

The Partners

Backbone Staff Support