Working Together as a Network

A diverse collection of over 100 school districts, community members and nonprofit organizations have come together as a cross-sector, county-wide, Cradle to Career Partnership to strengthen Marin’s system of schools and educational support services for all children.

Marin Promise Partnership is based on the nationally acclaimed StriveTogether collective impact framework.

As a partnership, we don’t teach math, award scholarships, or provide any kind of direct service. That’s what the individual partners are already doing and doing well. Instead, by combining the direct service expertise of partners, with data and process support from Backbone Staff, partners can accomplish together what none can do alone.



The Backbone Staff helps partners bring together the right people, in the same room to align around a common vision under a proven Cradle to Career framework.


With technical support from Backbone Staff, partners agree to share data and to hold each other accountable to collective goals and objectives.


Collaborative Action Teams, guided by Backbone Staff facilitators, develop common strategies and take collective action, while measuring, and continuously improving toward results.


Partners, stewarded by Backbone Staff, jointly advocate for collaborative infrastructure to sustain equitable, systemic shifts in practices and policies.