Learning Hubs in Marin County
Learning Hubs provide a safe space, supportive adult supervision, and broadband internet access, so that students can successfully engage in distance learning.
Many families already disproportionately affected by the economic and health impacts of COVID-19 (BIPOC, essential workers, low-income, and those with challenging life circumstances) have also experienced new education-related structural inequities.
That's why numerous community partners have come together to address this challenge by sharing space, staff, and services to support the distance learning needs of students who can not afford private Distance Learning support services.
While many Learning Hubs were started to serve a specific school or student population, other existing Childcare Centers adapted their programs, such as before/aftercare services, into Learning Hubs. Some are located on school campuses, while others are located in community centers. And while most are serving younger elementary students, a few have also opened to support middle school and high school students.
In coordination with various Partners, the County, and the Marin County office of Education, Backbone Team staff are working with Learning Hub organizers to track and share student data. Using this information, Partners can ensure equitable access to Learning Hub services, respond to community and student needs, coordinate with schools, and advocate for additional resources.
We make every effort, through regular communication with MCOE and the Learning Hubs, to keep the data you see on the map below as comprehensive and up-to-date as possible. Please contact us if you know of any Learning Hubs that are not already on the map or if you see any information on this page that appears to be inaccurate.
The map below shows Learning Hub locations throughout the county. Click on a pin to see additional Hub details.
The two additional tabs will take you to maps showing demographic information for each school based on socioeconomic status (i.e. Free & Reduced Lunch eligibility) or race (i.e. Students of Color). If you hover over a zip code area you can see the related demographic data, which is based on 2019-20 California Department of Education enrollment figures. The darker the color on the map, the higher the percentage of that demographic category.
Summary Data
There are approximately 34,000 K-12th Grade Students in Marin.
As shown in the map above, about 28% (9,500) of Marin students are from low-income families and about 44% (15,000) are students of color.
According to a September, 2020 MCOE county-wide Learning Hub survey, 891 students were identified as being interested in attending a Learning Hub to help them overcome Distance Learning challenges.
To support this need, over 30 Learning Hubs have been started either in new locations or in existing Childcare Centers across the county.
These Hubs are currently supporting 538 total students, 319 of which attend a Hub at no cost based on income status or some other school identified need.
This means that Learning Hubs are currently only able to support about 36% of the survey identified students and 3.3% of the county’s economically disadvantaged students.
Learning Hub Funding
Learning Hubs are being funded in a variety of ways. Here’s what we’ve learned so far…
- Bank of Marin donated $200K to support the start-up of new Learning Hub services.
- MCOE has re-purposed funds from P3 Early Start Success Grants and Title III Homeless and Foster Youth Funds to support Hubs.
- Marin Community Foundation has made a $1M grant to support existing Childcare Centers (many have adapted their before/aftercare programs for school age children into full day Learning Hubs).
- Local Crowdfunding campaigns (i.e. gofundme “Education Equity Fund” “Play Marin – Marin City Hubs” and “Ed Equity Now”) have been launched to support Hubs.
- Some Childcare Centers received CARES Act funding and are using their Title V funding to support expanded Hub services.
- Marin Child Care Council provides voucher subsidies to families who qualify for income-based support.
- Some Hubs generate funds from fee-based open enrollment students.
- Hubs operated by schools are supported by district funds.
For Hub & School Admins Only
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