Launch of Marin Promise Partnership

College financial aid workshops were brought to Novato and San Rafael high school students by a push from a little-known partnership of Marin community leaders.

That group recently identified five initiatives to help reach its mission of achieving educational equity in Marin by 2028.

Marin Promise Partnership, a nonprofit of education and nonprofit leaders, this month released the propositions it hopes to put in motion to create an equal educational playing field.

“I think the good news is even though we’ve had a persistent education gap for decades, about four years ago a group came together with the intention of making sure all schools work for all kids,” said Ann Mathieson, executive director of Marin Promise, which formed four years ago.

“It’s hard work and won’t happen overnight, but equity work coupled with specific milestones and initiatives will make a difference,” said Anna Pilloton, College of Marin’s outreach and school readiness director.

Read the IJ article here