Educational Equity Audit – San Rafael City Schools

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In November 2018, San Rafael City Schools (SRCS) partnered with The Education Trust–West (ETW) and Marin Promise Partnership (MPP) to conduct an Educational Equity Audit (EEA) for the district. The purpose of the EEA is to closely analyze college and career readiness for SRCS students, with a focus on equitable access and success within schools, among schools, and among groups of students. Participation in the EEA is an essential component to the countywide college and career readiness initiative coordinated by MPP — Keeping Every Door Open: College and Career Readiness for Every Student.

To conduct the Educational Equity Audit, ETW conducted interviews with district leaders and focus groups with administrators, students, parents, counselors, and teachers at each of the three high schools — San Rafael, Terra Linda, and Madrone. ETW also gathered survey data from 1,515 students, 362 parents, and 123 school staff members. Additionally, ETW, district, and community partner staff facilitated three community conversations with 85 family and community stakeholders who shared their ideas on ways to support students in becoming college and career ready. ETW also conducted a transcript analysis for the Class of 2018 and reviewed artifacts such as master schedules, course catalogs, and budget documents.

Using those data, ETW identified ten categories and grouped key findings and recommendations into the following topics: 

  1. Course access and success
  2. Curriculum and instruction
  3. Student supports and interventions
  4. School culture and climate
  5. College and career readiness supports
  6. Certificated staff diversity and professional learning
  7. Community and family engagement
  8. English learners (ELs) and students with disabilities
  9. Alternative schools
  10. Allocation of resources

This report includes key findings from ETW’s data analysis, such as:

  • There are significant gaps in enrollment and successful completion of the full a-g course sequence by gender, ethnicity, and income.
  • Ethnicity is strongest predictor of a-g completion.
  • English learners are significantly underrepresented in college preparatory and Advanced Placement courses.
  • There are a lack of supports for English learners in content courses and insufficient professional learning opportunities focused on supporting English learners and students with disabilities in content courses.
  • The district lacks a systemic way to regularly update families and students about students’ progress towards meeting a-g and/or Career Technical Education (CTE) pathway requirements.
  • The district’s chronic absenteeism and suspension rates are higher than state and county average rates, with students of color and English learners disproportionately affected.

Key findings and recommendations included in this report will inform the Blueprint for Equity Action Planning process to occur during the 2019-20 school year.