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Check-in Engagement Questions
The check-in engagement for weeks 1-3 reflected on the importance of working together grounded in our shared values. Add your values here and watch the co-created word cloud unfold.
The check-in engagement for weeks 4-5 asked you to reflect on your COVID19 experience. Please continue to add to this group feeback experience.
Just like small break out conversations at a Partnership meeting, now you have a chance to add your voice to Week 3’s Podcast theme.
Just like your small break out conversations at a Partnership meeting, now you have a chance to add your voice to this week’s theme. Please take a minute to stop and share a quick reflection.

Week 5: Making Systemic Shifts in Policy, Practice, and Power
Just like your small break out conversations at a Partnership meeting, now you have a chance to add your voice to this week’s theme. Please take a minute to stop and share a quick reflection.
Click on any of the items below to see more details
Fall Partnership Summit – Week 5: Making Systemic Shifts in Policy, Practice, and Power
Week five’s Summit theme highlighted key systemic shifts that are being made in Policies, Practices and Power dynamics through short Partner videos.
Fall Partnership Summit – Week 4: The Power of Partnerships – Video Vignettes
Week four of the Summit highlighted various aspects of the Partnership through short videos of Partner reflections during meetings this past year.
Fall Partnership Summit – Week 3: “Listen Up!” Partner Podcasts & Podcast Recommendations
Week three of the Summit was all about listening to each other through podcasts.