Future Ready Team – Making Progress on Collaborative Action Strategies

This year, the Future Ready team has been focusing on strategies from the Plan and Financial Aid teams. Below you will find the strategies that both teams have been working on:

  • Plan: The Plan team has been focusing on implementing readiness plans. Most high schools have started or are in the middle of doing 4-year planning activities with 9th graders. The next step is to complete these activities with 10th – 12th graders as well. Additionally, the Plan team has also been working on producing an “A-G on track” metric which has proven difficult for most schools since their data systems are not set up to easily pull these reports, therefore in order to get this report, manual transcript reviews by individuals are required which makes the process too difficult to complete on a regular basis. The team has spent time talking about possible solutions to this challenge.
  • Financial Aid: The Financial Aid team has spent this year working on reaching a 90% CSAC completion rate by March 2nd (California Grant deadline) with the goal of increasing the monthly financial form completion rate by 20% every month from October to March. So far, the data has shown that Marin County students of color have continued to have a higher average CSAC completion rate than both the national and state rates. The team has spent time sharing best practices, trying new or shifting old strategies to encourage students to complete their applications, and providing application 1:1 help during and after school.

Want to learn more about the Future Ready Team? Interested in getting involved in collaborative action to improve equity outcomes for College & Career Readiness and Enrollment?

  • Check out the Future Ready Webpage where you can see the full Data Report (updated regularly throughout the year for Action Team meetings), read Future Ready Newsletters, and explore related Partnership stories.
  • Get involved! Contact Ana Bell, the Partnership’s Manager of College & Career action teams.
  • Make a Donation to support the collective work of Partners and the Partnership.