We’re excited to announce the launch of new Success Networks in partnership with Novato Unified School District (NUSD). These teams, based at Novato High School and San Marin High School, will complement existing efforts by focusing on creating lasting changes in how schools and community partners support students. This includes improving structures, policies, and relationships both on- and off-campus to ensure every student gets the support they need.

With support from Marin Promise Partnership’s backbone team, Success Network Coordinators in Novato are receiving training in collaborative improvement practices and team facilitation. Unlike other collaborative teams within the Partnership, the Success Network model empowers partners to staff their own teams and facilitators, while the backbone team provides capacity-building through professional development, training, coaching, and data analysis assistance. Recently, new partners from Novato participated in a workshop on Results-Based Accountability and group facilitation. Using resources and tools from StriveTogether, this workshop provided insights to help Novato’s team leaders drive change at their schools.
Expanding Success Networks to Novato marks a significant step forward for our Partnership. With four out of Marin’s eight comprehensive high schools already running Success Networks, and two more set to be established in partnership with Novato Unified School District, we are moving closer to our goal of expanding this collaborative approach across the county. Success Networks are not just about helping students succeed today—they’re about creating systems that will benefit students for years to come. From 2017 to 2020, the Success Network at Tamalpais High School boosted outcomes for all students while accelerating growth for target populations such as students of color and those from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Results like these demonstrate what’s possible when partners work together in coordinated efforts to support students.
Success Networks offer a chance to reimagine college and career readiness, ensuring every student has access to the opportunities and support they need—not just to succeed in school, but in life.