Learning Brief: Supporting the High School to College Transition for Latinx Students

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To reach their full potential and succeed in a personally fulfilling and financially sustainable career, high school graduates today must not only enroll in but also complete a college, or career certificate, program. In Marin County, 77% of all high school graduates enroll in a post-secondary program. However, only 53% of the entire class of 2012 and only 26% of the low-income and 38% of the graduates of color completed a degree or certificate program within 6 years. Many students find it difficult to make the transition and then connect with the support they need to stay in school. To address this pressing challenge, the Completion Action Team is exploring several key collaborative practice shifts that have resulted in significant increases in Year 2 persistence rates among Latinx students – a primary indicator of whether they’ll ultimately complete their post-secondary education.