One Page Milestone Overview

Click HERE to see an overview of the Partnership’s 6 Cradle to Career Milestones. The impact results statements have recently been edited to reflect the systems change role that the Partnership plays in achieving educational equity. The work of the Partnership is to focus on the responsibility of the system, rather than the individual student, to achieve outcomes. Shifting this focus puts a spotlight on the inequitable systems and structures that create inequitable outcomes rather than perpetuating the deficit narrative around one student population that is not “performing” as well as another. Here are some examples:


“Kindergarteners will enter school ready to succeed…”

“3rd graders will have mastered …” 

“High school graduates will be ready …”


“Early childhood education will prepare children to enter school ready to succeed …”

“Early grade education will enable K-3rd graders to master …”

“High school education will prepare graduates to …”