Partnership Statement on Racial Justice

On Behalf of the Marin Promise Partnership,

We believe every child should have the opportunity to succeed in school and in life, cradle to career. Marin Promise Partners refuse to settle for a world in which a child’s potential is dictated by race, ethnicity, zip code or financial circumstance.

We know racism is the root of many problems across our country. Recent events, from the 2020 Summer of Racial reckoning focused on killings of Black men and women including Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd, to this past weekend’s mass shootings in Buffalo and Southern California that targeted BIPOC communities, we are once again reminded of the structural racism inherent in our society.

Marin Promise Partnership mourns the loss of these precious lives, and we extend our deepest condolences to their loved ones and communities. As a Partnership that is deeply committed to educational equity, we feel the pain racial injustices have caused throughout the country and in Marin.

To instill equity deeper into our operations and across the Partnership we work every day to:

  • Recommit ourselves to recruiting and retaining people of color to lead our organizations and the Partnership.

We know our work is important, and we know we cannot do it alone. In order for our youth to have a chance at an equitable future, we must work together, holding ourselves and our institutions accountable by leveraging assets such as student lived experience, community partner expertise and data that exposes the systemic racism in our country and across Marin. Led by communities of color and listening to their experiences, together we can build more equitable systems.

We must not remain silent.

In Solidarity —

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