Racial Equity Statement

This Racial Equity statement was developed by the Partners on the Executive Committee and adopted by the Leadership Council through a rigorous 18 month continuous improvement process.

The goal of this effort was to:
  • Align and amplify individual efforts to promote racial equity throughout Marin,
  • Work together to create sustainable, systemic change,
  • Honor past efforts by synthesizing and summarizing existing  statements,
  • Develop a compelling, concise, shared statement that relates specifically to education,
  • Produce something that complemented rather than replaced or duplicated individual organizational definitions or statements.
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Click HERE if you’d like to just use the logo title and insert the following text:

“Racial equity for students in Marin will be achieved when race and ethnicity no longer predict the outcome of a young person’s educational future. As a Marin Promise Partner, [Org Name Here] commits to identify and dismantle racial inequities, and to provide equity-based supports, so that our most vulnerable children can achieve their full potential”

“La equidad racial para los estudiantes en Marin se logrará cuando la raza y el origen étnico ya no predicen el resultado del futuro educativo de jóvenes. Como un socio de Marin Promise Partnership , [Org Name Here] se compromete a identificar y desarmar las inequidades raciales, y a proporcionar apoyos basados en la equidad, para que nuestros niños más vulnerables puedan alcanzar su máximo potencial.”

To date, about 25% of the Leadership Council has posted the statement on their website. Many more are in the process of working with their IT departments or communications committees to incorporate it into future website updates. Some, like the College of Marin, have listed it under Partnerships or Initiatives. Other’s, like Canal Alliance, have it under Advocacy. And still others, such as Youth Leadership Institute, with programs and services that go beyond Marin, have it listed on their Marin specific page.

Below are a few examples of how the statement has been posted on Partner websites.