Partners Come Together at the StriveTogether 2023 Convening in San Francisco

Ann Mathieson, Don Jen, Kaila Love, Rondell Gibson, Rommel Carrera, Michael Looft, Julieta Schiller, John Carroll, Shelley Hamilton, Cameron Hunter, Rachel Ruffalo, Brandon Johnson, Chloe Cook, Mo DeNieva Marsh, Amarantha Silva, Balandra Fregoso, Sarah Seitchik Sebastian & Daphne Cummings

Annual StriveTogether Convening - 2023

More than 20 Partners and Partnership staff attended this year’s Cradle to Career network convening in San Francisco (Sep 19-22, 2023). Joined by over 650 attendees from across the country (the largest convening ever!) Marin Promise Partners gathered for 3 days over meals, plenary sessions, and concurrent workshops on topic spanning the Cradle to Career continuum. Here is just a sample of the sessions that were offered:

  • Building Early Childhood Connections: Parent by Parent
  • Centering Community Voice in Strategy Development
  • Developing Communications to Create Systems Change

Across the country, StriveTogether’s Cradle to Career Network brings together thousands of partners and countless community leaders, all pursuing one North Star: a future where every child has every opportunity to succeed.  Every year, this event brings the power of this national movement to one city for three days of connecting, learning and creating change. The Cradle to Career Network Convening is the only event of its kind for local and national leaders breaking down barriers and changing systems for 14 million youth — including 7.9 million children of color. It is truly an inspirational moment in time to stop and celebrate our national progress and to chart the course to stronger futures.

For the first time this year, all Marin Promise Partners have an opportunity to access StriveTogether’s unique Training Hub resource. Through this resource you will be able to download convening session materials as well as sign up for additional workshops, online training sessions and future in-person events. This is a unique and valuable resource offered just to members of Marin Promise Partnership.

To access Convening session materials and learning opportunities, follow these instructions to set up your account with The Training Hub. If you’ve already set up your account, jump right to step four.

  1. Visit the Training Hub.
  2. Click on “Forgot your password?” and then enter your email address.
  3. Check your email for instructions to set a password and log in. Your username is your email address.
  4. On the home page, under “My courses and learning plans,” click “2023 Cradle to Career Network Convening session materials,”

New Narrative Rising: Kaila Love

Former 10,000 Degrees Fellow performs original piece for 2023 Cradle to Career Network Convening