Video – Marin Affordable Educator Housing Report

This is a presentation of a data report from the Marin Educators for Equity Initiative on the impacts that affordable housing could have on the recruitment and retention of educators — particularly BIPOC educators — in Marin County schools. Utilizing an analysis of local housing costs and TK-12 school district salary schedules, the report shows the degree to which housing is unaffordable for the majority of BIPOC, younger, and classified educators in the county. Additionally, the report presents data from a survey of 722 educators from Early Childhood Educators through higher education highlighting their current housing needs, the demand for affordable housing, and the impact affordable housing could have on recruitment and retention of educators. All data is disaggregated into comparative dyads of educators: white vs BIPOC, younger vs older, and classified vs certificated. This report was produced by Marin Promise Partnership.