Racial Equity & Antiracist Resources
Racial equity for students in Marin will be achieved when race and ethnicity no longer predict the outcome of a young person’s educational future. Together, as a Partnership, we are committed to identify and dismantle racial inequities, and to provide equity-based supports, so that our most vulnerable children can achieve their full potential. (Click HERE to read and share the Partnership’s Racial Equity Statement).

Racial Equity Statement
Marin Promise Partners believe that a shared racial equity statement will amplify our collective impact. Join us in posting this statement and promoting racial equity

Centering Equity in the June 7th County Superintendent of Schools Election
Our county’s persistent educational equity gap is unacceptable. Marin Promise Partners invite the next Superintendent of Schools to join us in refusing to settle for

Antiracist Education Learning Brief
Marin Promise Partnership is one of 7 communities across the country that have been involved in the Strive Together Systems Transformation Systems Indicator project. Out

Partner Equity Blueprints Integrated into 2021-2024 Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAPs)
Keeping Every Door Open (KEDO) policy Action Team successfully advocated to make equity a key element of district LCAPs.

Bi-weekly Antiracism Action
Previous Next Scroll to see previous weeks of Antiracism Action opportunities.

Organizational Self-Assessment Related to Racial Equity
Introduction to the Racial Equity Self-Assessment When was it started? In October 2017, the Partnership’s Executive Committee determined that its approach to racial equity would

Insurrection. White Supremacy. Educational Equity
Partners speak out about the January 6th insurrection and white supremacy attacks on democracy.

Please read this collective statement against voter intimidation singed in solidarity by dozens of towns and community agencies led by the Marin County Board of