Data Dashboard – College & Career Ready – CA School Dashboard Tool
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In California, a high school student is considered “ready” for college/career when they have completed at least 1 of 8 specific pathways during their high school experience. In this interactive data feature, the user can understand how “ready” Marin County high school graduates are for college and career, and how that breaks down by a specific pathway. Keep in mind: a student can complete multiple pathways to become “ready,” so the pathways column are not unique, unduplicated values.*
Explore the tool below to view the data by location, school, year, and demographic. Hover over the bars for more information.
Note: Assembly Bill (AB) 130 (Chapter 44, Statutes of 2021) suspended the reporting of state indicators on the 2021 California School Dashboard (Dashboard).
Check out California School Dashboard’s website for district/school-level data only: